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        "Changjiang Scholar Awarding Plan" is a special plan established with funds from the Ministry of Education and Mr. Li Jiacheng, the famous patriotic entrepreneur of Hong Kong. This plan includes two main contents: the adoption of specially engaged professors system and the Changjiang Scholar Achievement Award. Changjiang Scholar Awarding Plan is an important measure to revitalize China through science and education , to cooperate with the construction of the "211 Plan", to attract and cultivate outstanding talents and to speed up the team construction of young and middle-aged subject leaders in universities. The crucial tenet of this plan includes: to attract domestic and overseas young and middle-aged academic elites to participate into the construction of key subjects; to drive the development of these subjects to keep up with or overtake the international advanced level; to bring up a group of academic leaders with international levels so as to enhance the academic status and competition ability of Chinese universities in the world. The content of the first phase is to set up 300-500 specially-engaged professor positions in the construction of key subjects in universities within 3 to 5 years by the Ministry of Education; to invite public applications of young and middle-aged talents and to award academic leaders according to their contributions.